This data set contains hourly WRF-GHG model simulations and is presented in "A WRF-Chem study on the variability of CO2, CH4 and CO concentrations at Xianghe, China supported by ground-based observations and TROPOMI" by Callewaert et al., EGUsphere [preprint], 2023. The data is structured in daily subfolders (yyyy/mm/dd) with hourly WRF-GHG output files (wrfout_*) for every model domain (d01, d02 and d03): <./yyyy/mm/dd/>. These files are in NetCDF format and contain a wide range of meteorological variables as well as concentration fields for CO2, CH4 and CO split in different tracers depending on the source sector. A complete list of all the variables is given below. The data set also contains the namelist.input text-file that is used to create these model simulations. We encourage you to contact us when you use this dataset or you have a question. We kindly request the authors of any communication/publication using this dataset to let us know about it and to cite the reference as follows: "Callewaert S. (2023). WRF-Chem simulations of CO2, CH4 and CO around Xianghe, China (Version 1.0) [Data set]. Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy." Contact: Sieglinde Callewaert (e-mail: ========================================================= Variable list: CLDFRA2 "CLOUD FRACTION" ; RAINPROD "TOTAL RAIN PRODUCTION RATE" ; EVAPPROD "RAIN EVAPORATION RATE" ; E_CO2_CAMS_RES "Anthr. CO2 flux of CAMS-GLOB-ANT Residential" ; E_CO2_CAMS_IND "Anthr. CO2 flux of CAMS-GLOB-ANT Industry" ; E_CO2_CAMS_ENE "Anthr. CO2 flux of CAMS-GLOB-ANT Energy" ; E_CO2_CAMS_TRO "Anthr. CO2 flux of CAMS-GLOB-ANT Transport" ; E_CO_REAS_RES "Anthr. CO flux of REAS Residential" ; E_CO_REAS_IND "Anthr. CO flux of REAS Industry" ; E_CO_REAS_ENE "Anthr. CO flux of REAS Energy" ; E_CO_REAS_TRO "Anthr. CO flux of REAS Transport" ; E_CH4_CAMS_RES "Anthr. CH4 flux of CAMS-GLOB-ANT Residential" ; E_CH4_CAMS_IND "Anthr. CH4 flux of CAMS-GLOB-ANT Industry" ; E_CH4_CAMS_ENE "Anthr. CH4 flux of CAMS-GLOB-ANT Energy" ; E_CH4_CAMS_AGR "Anthr. CH4 flux of CAMS-GLOB-ANT Agriculture" ; E_CH4_CAMS_TRO "Anthr. CH4 flux of CAMS-GLOB-ANT Transport" ; E_CH4_WETCHARTS "Anthr. CH4 flux of WetCHARTs" ; UST_T "Threshold Friction Velocity" ; ROUGH_COR "roughness elements correction" ; SMOIS_COR "soil moisture correction" ; DRYDEPVEL "dust dry deposition velocity" ; EBIO_GEE "biospheric VPRM CO2 uptake" ; EBIO_RES "biospheric VPRM CO2 release" ; EBIO_CH4WET "Biogenic CH4 wetland emissions" ; EBIO_CH4SOIL "CH4 soil uptake fluxes" ; EBIO_CH4TERM "CH4 termite emissions" ; ebu_ch4 "biomass burning emiss" ; ebu_in_co "EMISSIONS" ; ebu_in_co2 "EMISSIONS" ; ebu_in_ch4 "EMISSIONS" ; MEAN_FCT_AGTF "mean fraction of tropical forest" ; MEAN_FCT_AGEF "mean fraction of extra tropical forest" ; MEAN_FCT_AGSV "mean fraction of savanna" ; MEAN_FCT_AGGR "mean fraction of grassland" ; FIRESIZE_AGTF "mean firesize for tropical forest" ; FIRESIZE_AGEF "mean firesize for extratropical forest" ; FIRESIZE_AGSV "mean firesize for savanna" ; FIRESIZE_AGGR "mean firesize for grassland" ; TROPO_P "Tropopause pressure" ; TROPO_Z "Tropopause height" ; TROPO_LEV "Tropopause level" ; DRY_DEP_LEN "dry deposition velocity" ; EBIO_ISO "Actual biog emiss" ; EBIO_API "Actual biog emiss" ; EBIO_CO2OCE "Ocean CO2 fluxes" ; LAI_VEGMASK "MODIS LAI vegetation mask for this date; 0CO2_CAMS_RES "mixing ratio of anthropogenic CO2 from CAMS-GLOB-ANT Residential" ; CO2_CAMS_IND "mixing ratio of anthropogenic CO2 from CAMS-GLOB-ANT Industry" ; CO2_CAMS_ENE "mixing ratio of anthropogenic CO2 from CAMS-GLOB-ANT Energy" ; CO2_CAMS_AGR "mixing ratio of anthropogenic CO2 from CAMS-GLOB-ANT Agriculture" ; CO2_CAMS_TRO "mixing ratio of anthropogenic CO2 from CAMS-GLOB-ANT Transport" ; CO_REAS_RES "mixing ratio of anthropogenic CO from REAS Residential" ; CO_REAS_IND "mixing ratio of anthropogenic CO from REAS Industry" ; CO_REAS_ENE "mixing ratio of anthropogenic CO from REAS Energy" ; CO_REAS_TRO "mixing ratio of anthropogenic CO from REAS Transport" ; CH4_CAMS_RES "mixing ratio of anthropogenic CH4 from CAMS-GLOB-ANT Residential" ; CH4_CAMS_IND "mixing ratio of anthropogenic CH4 from CAMS-GLOB-ANT Industry" ; CH4_CAMS_ENE "mixing ratio of anthropogenic CH4 from CAMS-GLOB-ANT Energy" ; CH4_CAMS_AGR "mixing ratio of anthropogenic CH4 from CAMS-GLOB-ANT Agriculture" ; CH4_CAMS_TRO "mixing ratio of anthropogenic CH4 from CAMS-GLOB-ANT Transport" ; CO2_BIO "mixing ratio of VPRM CO2" ; CO2_OCE "mixing ratio of ocean CO2" ; CO2_BCK "mixing ratio of background CO2" ; CO2_BBU "mixing ratio of biomass burning CO2" ; CO_BCK "mixing ratio of background CO" ; CO_BBU "mixing ratio of biomass burning CO" ; CH4_BIO "mixing ratio of natural biogenic CH4" ; CH4_BIO_Wetlands "mixing ratio of natural biogenic CH4 from wetlands + offset" ; CH4_BIO_Soils "mixing ratio of natural biogenic CH4 from soils + offset" ; CH4_BIO_Termites "mixing ratio of natural biogenic CH4 from termites + offset" ; CH4_BCK "mixing ratio of background CH4" ; CH4_BBU "mixing ratio of biomass burning CH4" ; CH4_WETCHARTS "mixing ratio of anthropogenic CH4 from WetCHARTs" ; PV "Potential Vorticity" ; XLAT "LATITUDE, SOUTH IS NEGATIVE" ; XLONG "LONGITUDE, WEST IS NEGATIVE" ; LU_INDEX "LAND USE CATEGORY" ; ZNU "eta values on half (mass) levels" ; ZNW "eta values on full (w) levels" ; ZS "DEPTHS OF CENTERS OF SOIL LAYERS" ; DZS "THICKNESSES OF SOIL LAYERS" ; VAR_SSO "variance of subgrid-scale orography" ; U "x-wind component" ; V "y-wind component" ; W "z-wind component" ; PH "perturbation geopotential" ; PHB "base-state geopotential" ; T "perturbation potential temperature theta-t0" ; THM "either 1) pert moist pot temp=(1+Rv/Rd Qv)*(theta)-T0, or 2) pert dry pot temp=t" ; LH_FORCE "SCM ideal surface latent heat flux" ; TSK_FORCE "SCM ideal surface skin temperature" ; HFX_FORCE_TEND "SCM ideal surface sensible heat flux tendency" ; LH_FORCE_TEND "SCM ideal surface latent heat flux tendency" ; TSK_FORCE_TEND "SCM ideal surface skin temperature tendency" ; MU "perturbation dry air mass in column" ; MUB "base state dry air mass in column" ; NEST_POS "-" ; P "perturbation pressure" ; PB "BASE STATE PRESSURE" ; FNM "upper weight for vertical stretching" ; FNP "lower weight for vertical stretching" ; RDNW "inverse d(eta) values between full (w) levels" ; RDN "inverse d(eta) values between half (mass) levels" ; DNW "d(eta) values between full (w) levels" ; DN "d(eta) values between half (mass) levels" ; CFN "extrapolation constant" ; CFN1 "extrapolation constant" ; THIS_IS_AN_IDEAL_RUN "T/F flag: this is an ARW ideal simulation" ; P_HYD "hydrostatic pressure" ; Q2 "QV at 2 M" ; T2 "TEMP at 2 M" ; TH2 "POT TEMP at 2 M" ; PSFC "SFC PRESSURE" ; U10 "U at 10 M" ; V10 "V at 10 M" ; RDX "INVERSE X GRID LENGTH" ; RDY "INVERSE Y GRID LENGTH" ; RESM "TIME WEIGHT CONSTANT FOR SMALL STEPS" ; ZETATOP "ZETA AT MODEL TOP" ; CF1 "2nd order extrapolation constant" ; CF2 "2nd order extrapolation constant" ; CF3 "2nd order extrapolation constant" ; ITIMESTEP "" ; XTIME "minutes since 2018-12-31 18:00:00" ; QVAPOR "Water vapor mixing ratio" ; QCLOUD "Cloud water mixing ratio" ; QRAIN "Rain water mixing ratio" ; QICE "Ice mixing ratio" ; QSNOW "Snow mixing ratio" ; QGRAUP "Graupel mixing ratio" ; QNICE "Ice Number concentration" ; QNSNOW "Snow Number concentration" ; QNRAIN "Rain Number concentration" ; QNGRAUPEL "Graupel Number concentration" ; SHDMAX "ANNUAL MAX VEG FRACTION" ; SHDMIN "ANNUAL MIN VEG FRACTION" ; SNOALB "ANNUAL MAX SNOW ALBEDO IN FRACTION" ; TSLB "SOIL TEMPERATURE" ; SMOIS "SOIL MOISTURE" ; SH2O "SOIL LIQUID WATER" ; SMCREL "RELATIVE SOIL MOISTURE" ; SFROFF "SURFACE RUNOFF" ; UDROFF "UNDERGROUND RUNOFF" ; IVGTYP "DOMINANT VEGETATION CATEGORY" ; ISLTYP "DOMINANT SOIL CATEGORY" ; VEGFRA "VEGETATION FRACTION" ; GRDFLX "GROUND HEAT FLUX" ; ACGRDFLX "ACCUMULATED GROUND HEAT FLUX" ; ACSNOM "ACCUMULATED MELTED SNOW" ; SNOW "SNOW WATER EQUIVALENT" ; SNOWH "PHYSICAL SNOW DEPTH" ; CANWAT "CANOPY WATER" ; SSTSK "SKIN SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURE" ; COSZEN "COS of SOLAR ZENITH ANGLE" ; LAI "LEAF AREA INDEX" ; Z0 "Background ROUGHNESS LENGTH" ; VAR "OROGRAPHIC VARIANCE" ; TKE_PBL "TKE from PBL" ; EL_PBL "Length scale from PBL" ; MAPFAC_M "Map scale factor on mass grid" ; MAPFAC_U "Map scale factor on u-grid" ; MAPFAC_V "Map scale factor on v-grid" ; MAPFAC_MX "Map scale factor on mass grid, x direction" ; MAPFAC_MY "Map scale factor on mass grid, y direction" ; MAPFAC_UX "Map scale factor on u-grid, x direction" ; MAPFAC_UY "Map scale factor on u-grid, y direction" ; MAPFAC_VX "Map scale factor on v-grid, x direction" ; MF_VX_INV "Inverse map scale factor on v-grid, x direction" ; MAPFAC_VY "Map scale factor on v-grid, y direction" ; F "Coriolis sine latitude term" ; E "Coriolis cosine latitude term" ; SINALPHA "Local sine of map rotation" ; COSALPHA "Local cosine of map rotation" ; HGT "Terrain Height" ; TSK "SURFACE SKIN TEMPERATURE" ; P_TOP "PRESSURE TOP OF THE MODEL" ; T00 "BASE STATE TEMPERATURE" ; P00 "BASE STATE PRESURE" ; TLP "BASE STATE LAPSE RATE" ; TISO "TEMP AT WHICH THE BASE T TURNS CONST" ; TLP_STRAT "BASE STATE LAPSE RATE (DT/D(LN(P)) IN STRATOSPHERE" ; P_STRAT "BASE STATE PRESSURE AT BOTTOM OF STRATOSPHERE" ; MAX_MSTFX "Max map factor in domain" ; MAX_MSTFY "Max map factor in domain" ; RAINC "ACCUMULATED TOTAL CUMULUS PRECIPITATION" ; RAINSH "ACCUMULATED SHALLOW CUMULUS PRECIPITATION" ; RAINNC "ACCUMULATED TOTAL GRID SCALE PRECIPITATION" ; SNOWNC "ACCUMULATED TOTAL GRID SCALE SNOW AND ICE" ; GRAUPELNC "ACCUMULATED TOTAL GRID SCALE GRAUPEL" ; HAILNC "ACCUMULATED TOTAL GRID SCALE HAIL" ; CLDFRA "CLOUD FRACTION" ; SWDOWN "DOWNWARD SHORT WAVE FLUX AT GROUND SURFACE" ; GLW "DOWNWARD LONG WAVE FLUX AT GROUND SURFACE" ; SWNORM "NORMAL SHORT WAVE FLUX AT GROUND SURFACE (SLOPE-DEPENDENT)" ; ACSWUPT "ACCUMULATED UPWELLING SHORTWAVE FLUX AT TOP" ; ACSWUPTC "ACCUMULATED UPWELLING CLEAR SKY SHORTWAVE FLUX AT TOP" ; ACSWDNT "ACCUMULATED DOWNWELLING SHORTWAVE FLUX AT TOP" ; ACSWDNTC "ACCUMULATED DOWNWELLING CLEAR SKY SHORTWAVE FLUX AT TOP" ; ACSWUPB "ACCUMULATED UPWELLING SHORTWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM" ; ACSWUPBC "ACCUMULATED UPWELLING CLEAR SKY SHORTWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM" ; ACSWDNB "ACCUMULATED DOWNWELLING SHORTWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM" ; ACSWDNBC "ACCUMULATED DOWNWELLING CLEAR SKY SHORTWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM" ; ACLWUPT "ACCUMULATED UPWELLING LONGWAVE FLUX AT TOP" ; ACLWUPTC "ACCUMULATED UPWELLING CLEAR SKY LONGWAVE FLUX AT TOP" ; ACLWDNT "ACCUMULATED DOWNWELLING LONGWAVE FLUX AT TOP" ; ACLWDNTC "ACCUMULATED DOWNWELLING CLEAR SKY LONGWAVE FLUX AT TOP" ; ACLWUPB "ACCUMULATED UPWELLING LONGWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM" ; ACLWUPBC "ACCUMULATED UPWELLING CLEAR SKY LONGWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM" ; ACLWDNB "ACCUMULATED DOWNWELLING LONGWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM" ; ACLWDNBC "ACCUMULATED DOWNWELLING CLEAR SKY LONGWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM" ; SWUPT "INSTANTANEOUS UPWELLING SHORTWAVE FLUX AT TOP" ; SWUPTC "INSTANTANEOUS UPWELLING CLEAR SKY SHORTWAVE FLUX AT TOP" ; SWDNT "INSTANTANEOUS DOWNWELLING SHORTWAVE FLUX AT TOP" ; SWDNTC "INSTANTANEOUS DOWNWELLING CLEAR SKY SHORTWAVE FLUX AT TOP" ; SWUPB "INSTANTANEOUS UPWELLING SHORTWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM" ; SWUPBC "INSTANTANEOUS UPWELLING CLEAR SKY SHORTWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM" ; SWDNB "INSTANTANEOUS DOWNWELLING SHORTWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM" ; SWDNBC "INSTANTANEOUS DOWNWELLING CLEAR SKY SHORTWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM" ; LWUPT "INSTANTANEOUS UPWELLING LONGWAVE FLUX AT TOP" ; LWUPTC "INSTANTANEOUS UPWELLING CLEAR SKY LONGWAVE FLUX AT TOP" ; LWDNT "INSTANTANEOUS DOWNWELLING LONGWAVE FLUX AT TOP" ; LWDNTC "INSTANTANEOUS DOWNWELLING CLEAR SKY LONGWAVE FLUX AT TOP" ; LWUPB "INSTANTANEOUS UPWELLING LONGWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM" ; LWUPBC "INSTANTANEOUS UPWELLING CLEAR SKY LONGWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM" ; LWDNB "INSTANTANEOUS DOWNWELLING LONGWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM" ; LWDNBC "INSTANTANEOUS DOWNWELLING CLEAR SKY LONGWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM" ; OLR "TOA OUTGOING LONG WAVE" ; XLAT_U "LATITUDE, SOUTH IS NEGATIVE" ; XLONG_U "LONGITUDE, WEST IS NEGATIVE" ; XLAT_V "LATITUDE, SOUTH IS NEGATIVE" ; XLONG_V "LONGITUDE, WEST IS NEGATIVE" ; ALBEDO "ALBEDO" ; CLAT "COMPUTATIONAL GRID LATITUDE, SOUTH IS NEGATIVE" ; ALBBCK "BACKGROUND ALBEDO" ; EMISS "SURFACE EMISSIVITY" ; NOAHRES "RESIDUAL OF THE NOAH SURFACE ENERGY BUDGET" ; TMN "SOIL TEMPERATURE AT LOWER BOUNDARY" ; XLAND "LAND MASK (1 FOR LAND, 2 FOR WATER)" ; ZNT "TIME-VARYING ROUGHNESS LENGTH" ; UST "U* IN SIMILARITY THEORY" ; PBLH "PBL HEIGHT" ; HFX "UPWARD HEAT FLUX AT THE SURFACE" ; QFX "UPWARD MOISTURE FLUX AT THE SURFACE" ; LH "LATENT HEAT FLUX AT THE SURFACE" ; ACHFX "ACCUMULATED UPWARD HEAT FLUX AT THE SURFACE" ; ACLHF "ACCUMULATED UPWARD LATENT HEAT FLUX AT THE SURFACE" ; SNOWC "FLAG INDICATING SNOW COVERAGE (1 FOR SNOW COVER)" ; SR "fraction of frozen precipitation" ; SAVE_TOPO_FROM_REAL "1ISEEDARR_SPPT "Array to hold seed for restart, SPPT" ; ISEEDARR_SKEBS "Array to hold seed for restart, SKEBS" ; ISEEDARR_RAND_PERTURB "Array to hold seed for restart, RAND_PERT" ; ISEEDARRAY_SPP_CONV "Array to hold seed for restart, RAND_PERT2" ; ISEEDARRAY_SPP_PBL "Array to hold seed for restart, RAND_PERT3" ; ISEEDARRAY_SPP_LSM "Array to hold seed for restart, RAND_PERT4" ; C1H "half levels, c1h = d bf / d eta, using znw"; C2H "half levels, c2h = (1-c1h)*(p0-pt)"; C1F "full levels, c1f = d bf / d eta, using znu" ; C2F "full levels, c2f = (1-c1f)*(p0-pt)" ; C3H "half levels, c3h = bh" ; C4H "half levels, c4h = (eta-bh)*(p0-pt), using znu" ; C3F "full levels, c3f = bf" ; C4F "full levels, c4f = (eta-bf)*(p0-pt), using znw" ; PCB "base state dry air mass in column" ; PC "perturbation dry air mass in column" ; LANDMASK "LAND MASK (1 FOR LAND, 0 FOR WATER)" ; LAKEMASK "LAKE MASK (1 FOR LAND, 0 FOR WATER)" ; SST "SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURE" ; SST_INPUT "SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURE FROM WRFLOWINPUT FILE" ;