This is the dataset of CO2 density and temperature on Mars mesosphere measured by ExoMars-TGO-NOMAD-SO and retrieved by the Planetary Atmospheres Research Unit of the Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy. This dataset is presented in "Carbon dioxide retrievals from NOMAD-SO on ESA's ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter and temperature profiles retrievals with the hydrostatic equilibrium equation. I. Description of the method" by L. Trompet, A.C. Vandaele, et al. 2022. Each file name indicates the year, month, date, and time of the measurement, and diffraction order. Each file contains 9 columns: 1st Column: CO2 Density [cm-3] 2nd Column: error on CO2 Density [cm-3] 3rd Column: Temperature [K] 4th Column: Error on Temperature [K] 5st Column: Altitude above areoid [km] 6th Column: Solar Longitude [degree] 7th Column: Latitude [degree] 8th Column: Longitude [degree] 9th Column: Local time [hrs] We encourage you to contact us when you use this dataset or you have a question. We kindly request the authors of any communication/publication using this dataset to let us know about it and to cite the reference Trompet et al. 2022 Contact: Loïc Trompet (e-mail: loic.trompet @