This is the dataset of O3 in Mars atmosphere measured by ExoMars-TGO-NOMAD-UVIS and retrieved by the Planetary Atmospheres Research Unit of the Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy. This dataset is presented in "Ozone observed by TGO/NOMAD-UVIS solar occultation: an inter-comparison of three retrieval methods" by A. Piccialli, A.C. Vandaele, et al. 2022. Each file name indicates the retrieval method: FOEM: Full occultation Optimal Estimation Method OP: Onion Peeling DOP: Direct Onion Peeling Files are in the HDF5 format. Each file contains: Geometry LST = local solar time [hrs] Ls = solar longitude [degree] lat = latitude [degree] lon = longitude [degree] orbit = file name of each occultation day = day of observation month = month of observation year = year of observation Science For each entry: [number of columns = number of occultations analyzed, number of rows = 600 (altitude grid)] Nd_O3 = ozone number density [cm-3] Nd_O3_Err = error on ozone number density [cm-3] z = altitude above aeroid [km] Filtering (present only if relevant to the method): DoF = Degree of Freedom DL = detection limit [cm-3] chi2_O3 = chi2 of the retrieval including ozone chi2_no_O3 = chi2 of the retrieval without ozone The filtering criteria Delta_chi2 described in our paper is derived as: Delta_chi2 = chi2_no_O3/chi2_O3 We encourage you to contact us when you use this dataset or you have a question. We kindly request the authors of any communication/publication using this dataset to let us know about it and to cite the reference Piccialli et al. 2022 Contact: Arianna Piccialli(e-mail: arianna.piccialli @